Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hey all I just wanted to add a little snippet about the now
infamous Brittany Spears VMA performance.
I personally think that her PR our team was
completely lying down on the job.
There were several mistakes that with any untrained
eye were completely noticeable such as;
her costume, forgetting her lyrics, mediocre at best dance moves
and her overall appearance. I would just like to wish the Brittany
Spears PR team GOOD LUCK at overcoming
this fiasco


Jennifer said...

Poor Britney Spears. Her PR team is definetly going to have some problems! I doubt that she is going to any sort of a successful comeback at this point. In just this year alone, her reputation has worsened and worsened, and now this "comeback performance" is being talked about everywhere. She was blogged about during and immediately after her performance by celebrity gossip bloggers such as pinkisthenewblog who blogged live from their blackberrys at the show. Her PR team might want to consider keeping her out of the celebrity crowd and spotlight for a while...and I agree GOOD LUCK to them!

mkeeganwatkins said...
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